Below are the most frequently asked questions. If you have any questions please send us an email at

Your feedback is greatly appreciated.

Q. Is there any delivery guarantees?

A. Yes. If 30 days have gone by with no updates from the provided tracking, please email us with your order number. We will send out a replacement or a full refund of your purchase.

A. We ship from our partnered warehouses & factories located in Singapore.

A. (SEE BELOW) Shipping times vary from product-to-product; based on demand and shipping location.
Standard Shipping (5-10 business days)

A. Yes we do, we ship worldwide.

A. All orders are processed in USD.

A. Yes, all customers will receive an order number after placing their orders.

Please contact us if you don’t receive one within 24 hours.

A. All inquiries can be forwarded on email or on Instagram @ShopJerseyTakeover

A. You can be absolutely sure that all purchases here are safe and secure.

A. We do not sell our customers information. Emails are strictly for follow-up and to send newsletters of our promotions and coupons for discounts.

A. You will not be charged for duties. We declare the value at a low price so we can help our customers avoid paying extra money for duties.
Follow us on Instagram! @shopjerseytakeover